The Role of ICES on Setting and Reviewing Radio Frequency Safety Standards

Kevin on RF Shield Atop Cocoon

Setting standards of safety is important for everything. Typically, these regulations are seen as they apply to physical objects that people can interact with, however, there are forms of energy and radiation that need to be regulated as well. Though they can’t be seen, the energy they emit could have a dangerous effect on the general population. ICES seeks to set and improve these standards so that the electromagnetic energy used in radio frequency sources cannot pose a threat to individuals. 

What Is The ICES? 

ICES, or The International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety, is held responsible for the safe uses of electromagnetic energy. They set the standards for use within the 0-300 gigahertz band. This committee is also responsible for the following:

  • The potential hazard of electromagnetic energy as it relates to human exposure, volatile materials, and explosive substances.
  • Setting standards for objects that emit electromagnetic energy so that they can be assured that the object is not a threat.
  • Setting standards for electromagnetic energy and how it affects the environment. 

As scientists learn more about electromagnetic energy, there may be additional responsibilities that this committee must take on. To keep up to date with the ICES or to learn more information about this committee, you can visit their website here

What is Electromagnetic Energy?

Electromagnetic energy is radiation that takes the form of energy. There is a massive spectrum of electromagnetic radiation with certain energies being more damaging than others. Electromagnetic energy can be found all around us, some common examples include:

  • Microwaves
  • Radio waves
  • X-rays
  • Sunlight

While there is a spectrum of electromagnetic energy and the vast majority of human exposure to it isn’t directly harmful, this type of radiation can be extremely damaging. The World Health Organization, WHO, has created a whole webpage dedicated to informing the public about the dangers of over-exposure to electromagnetic radiation and can be found here.

Why Do We Need Radio Frequency Safety Standards?

One of the main reasons why radio frequency standards need to be in effect is to protect the health of the general population. When radio frequencies are unregulated, they could pose harm to the people exposed. It is unlikely that the radio frequencies that people are normally exposed to pose a significant threat to their health, but some people who work with or around powerful radio frequency sources could be at risk. Keeping up-to-date with studies relevant to this topic can help the ICES better understand and make recommendations to regulate the levels of electromagnetic energy found in radio frequencies.

What Can The ICES Do to Regulate EM And RF?

As more information is discovered about electromagnetic energy and how it relates to radio frequency, the ICES will be responsible for outlining new rules and regulations. They have outlined their current standards on this page and will continue to update their standards as they see fit to keep everyone safe. 

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